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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Performance Management >


  1. HR personnel - is the person responsible for maintaining the HR system. This user usually has access to all employees and has the ability to change configurations.
  2. Employee - users that have access to view their own records.
  3. Manager - is a user/employee that is responsible for multiple employees. These are users listed in the approval workflow.
  4. HR 1, HR 2 - are configurable employees that have special access . HR 1 and HR 2 titles are user configurable.


The appraisal process workflow is as follows:

  1. HR personnel creates Appraisals for each employee
  2. Employee scores and submits the appraisal
  3. Manager scores and submits the appraisal
  4. HR 1 reviews, scores and comments. HR 1 is the user with access to menu "Can Edit Performance Appraisal "HR 1 Comment""
  5. HR 2 reviews, scores and does the final submission. This process closes the appraisal. HR 2 is the user with access to menu "Can Edit Performance Appraisal "HR 2 Comment""
  6. Employees are rewarded / penalised based on results.


  1. Create the " Appraisal Templates "
  2. Upload the employee and manager signatures for the users under " User Maintenance - Attachments". The signature is placed on relevant PMS reports.

Appraisal Grid Sort Order

The appriasal grid is sorted as follows:

  1. Appraisals with "Status=Open"
  2. When the user is HR1 or HR2 then the grid is sorted by:
    1. Cost Centre
    2. Appraisals with "Status=Open (Manager Submitted)"
    3. Appraisals with "Status=Open (Employee Submitted)"
  3. When the user is a manager then the grid is sorted by:
    1. Appraisals with "Status=Open (Employee Submitted)"
    2. Appraisals with "Status=Open (Manager Submitted)"
  4. Appraisal Date
  5. Employee Name
  6. Appraisals with "Status= Closed"
  7. Void Appraisals

Steps to create Appraisals:

  1. Click on the "Create Appraisals" button.
  2. There are two options for generating appraisals:
    1. Option 1 - Create Appraisal
      1. Choose the Appraisal Date range
        The system will generate 1 appraisal for each "
        Appraisal Group " that falls between the date range.
        For example, a date range of 01/01/2020 - 30/06/2021 will generate 6 appraisals as follows:
        1. 2020 Quarter 1: 31/03/2020
        2. 2020 Quarter 2: 30/06/2020
        3. 2020 Quarter 3: 30/09/2020
        4. 2020 Quarter 4: 31/12/2020
        5. 2021 Quarter 1: 31/03/2021
        6. 2021 Quarter 2: 30/06/2021
    2. Option 2 - Add Employees to an Existing Appraisal
      1. Choose the Appraisal Date
      2. Choose the Appraisal Code - This option will add the employees selected to an existing appraisal code.
  3. Enter below details:
    1. Description
    2. Template
    3. Territory
    4. Branch
    5. Cost Centre
    6. Pay Team
    7. Job Description
    8. Employee - multiple employees can be chosen to add to an appraisal.
  4. Click on the "Create" button.

Maintain Appraisal

The following details can be maintained in the appraisal: See figure 1.

  1. These fields cannot be changed:
    1. Code
    2. Template
    3. Employee
  2. These fields can be edited by users having access to menu "HR47122 - Appraisal -> Allow Add"
    1. Description
    2. Appraisal Date
    3. Appraised By
    4. Void
  3. These fields can be edited by users having access to menus "HR471-1 or HR471-5 - Can Edit Performance Appraisal "Override Score","Score","Override Score Reason" in menu "Performance Management -> Appraisal""
    1. Override Score
    2. Score. See rules for Appraisal Score Calculation .
    3. Override Score Reason
  4. These fields can be edited by Mangers:
    1. Potential
    2. Manager Comment
  5. HR 1 Comment
  6. HR 2 Comment

Score Summary

Score Summary is a system calculated view of the scores by KPI Group. See rules for Appraisal Score Calculation . See figure 3

Access to Add,Edit & Delete of "KPI Details" is based on menu "HR471-3 - Access to KPI Details in menu "Performance Management -> Appraisal (Score Summary)""

  1. Add KPI Details - The following details can be entered:
    1. KPI - This field is optional and can be left blank.
    2. KPI Description - Defaulted from the KPI selected. Description can be overridden here.
    3. Weight - Defaults from " menu configuration ".
    4. Base Value - Maximum score that can be given of a KPI.
    5. Average - Tick this flag to include the KPI in score calculations. Defaults from " menu configuration ".
    6. Initiative - Defaults from " menu configuration ".
  2. Edit KPI Details
    1. These fields cannot be changed:
      1. KPI
      2. KPI Description
    2. These fields can be edited by users having access to menu "HR471-3 -> Allow Add". Once the KPI has been scored by employee, these fields cannot be changed.
      1. Weight
      2. Base Value
      3. Average
      4. Initiative
    3. These fields can be edited by Employees. Once the KPI is submitted, these fields cannot be changed.
      1. Employee Score - Scores cannot be changed for KPI's that use a script to assign a score.
      2. Employee Comment
    4. These fields can be edited by Managers once the Employees have submitted the scores. Once the manager has submitted, these fields cannot be changed.
      1. Manager Score
      2. Manager Comment
    5. These fields can be edited by HR1/HR2 users. Once the HR has submitted, these fields cannot be changed.
      1. HR1/HR2 Score
      2. HR 1 Comment
      3. HR 2 Comment
  3. Delete KPI Details - Delete is available for users with access to menu "HR471-3 -> Allow Delete". Once the KPI has been scored by the employee, delete option is not available.

Score Entry

This is batch editor that allows users to update the scores and comments for all KPIs in a group quickly without the need to edit every record. This uses the same editing rules defined in "Score Summary". See figure 4

Submitting Appraisal

There are three stages in submitting appraisals:

  1. Employee
    1. Employees can submit the appraisal after they have entered scores and comments for all KPI's.
    2. If the scores are not submitted within a defined timeline, the system can be configured to automatically submit the employee scores for the manger to start appraising. See process ESS034 .
  2. Manager
    1. Managers can submit the appraisal after they have entered scores and comments for all KPI's.
  3. HR
    1. HR users can submit the appraisal if they have access to menu "HR471-4 - Can Submit Performance Appraisal HR Score". Once submitted, the appraisal is closed.

Viewing History

There are two levels of history for previous appraisals:

  1. Maintain Appraisal - History. See figure 2
  2. KPI Details / Score Entry - History. See figure 5

Figure 1:  Maintain Appraisal

Figure 2: Appraisal History

Figure 3: Appraisal Score Summary

Figure 4: Batch Score Entry

Figure 5: KPI Details History